- July 2024 Changes -

July 5th, 2024

Well it turns out i needed to hard clear my cache to see a lot of the changes i was making. I stopped for a few days because i got demotivated because some things i wanted to try editing werent showing up. I didnt even know the favicon worked and was about to try and do some troubeshooting lol.

Anyway, new header image (!!!). Even if im an artist it only extends to anime girls and graphic design is NOT my passion so making one that actually looks good was hard ngl.

But FINALLY Theres one and the sites color scheme is becoming more solid. By the way have you noticed i like gothic aesthetics. I dont want to make it look too edgy because there would be too much of a disconnect between the appearance of the site and the way im writing this and it would feel too weird. That was a problem I had while making the header.

In other news i am now more committed to my fucked up sleep schedule of going to sleep at around 2PM and waking up at night (and then staying awake through the night and half of the day). As you can('t) see I am typing this at 5AM and i started to hear the birds waking up.

PS: I finally found how to add indents (manually. i dont want them in every paragraph). I feel like i understand the code SLIGHTLY more but more like its the first step to learn how to make my own css style/class tags. Idk the difference between those yet though. For the indents i just start with p class="indented" instead of just p to every paragraph i want like that. Simple enough (thank god).

Centered text test

HOLY SHIT THAT WORKED. I looked up the css format for centered text, copied the format for the indented text but instead of the "text indent: 50px;" i made it "text align: center;". Also changed the title (??? idk what its called but im calling it a title. Name? Tag??? idk) from "indented" to "centered" and its as simple as the indent HOLY SHIT I FEEL SO SMART i know this is really basic but let me have my moment celebrating successes is healthyand prevents you from getting demotivated ok. Ok. Anyway i am so proud of myself. Local NEET figures out css