- July 2024 Changes -

July 7th, 2024

Today it looks like i'm finally getting something like a decent sleep schedule. I started working on this for today around 5 AM, and actually slept during the night

Anyway, today i messed around with the layout a bit and messed it up so badly i had to restore it from a backup i thankfully made before that (i kind of expected it turning out like that...). Then after regretting everything I copied the css theme, header&navbar component, and index to make another test page. I want to change the layout a bit and it will definitely become a mess

I still havent finished editing today, but so far everything ive done is clean up Test Page 2's css style (copied from the main page's) to make my life easier. While i was doing that i also feel like i understood the code a bit more. Now i actually kind of understand what containers and divs are

Unfortunately somehow the test page isnt loading the custom URL colors?? It defaulted to the normal purple and idk how to change it. The code looks alright imo but also i have no idea what im doing. (UPDATE: Fixed it)

Side note: What does "Named entity expected. Got none." mean? I got it on 2 paragraphs in this page, and it doesnt seem to do anything but i still have no idea what it means. Might research it a bit later

So, changelog:

Made test page to test the following changes before moving them to the main page:

  • Cleaned up CSS a bit
  • Changed "header-component" into "navbar-component" (i think it still contains the header image but the main part and reason i go to edit it is because it has the navbar and marquee)
  • Bonus: Turns out the links werent changing color because the css said "#container a" and i renamed that container to "#container-main". I changed to say just "a" (because otherwise i think i will use the !important tag when i need to override it
Copied the cleaner code to the main site. I want to do something else now so i will leave it like this. Test page #2 is the one with the dedicated theme and header-navbar file (still looks normal though. I will mess around with it later)


Test page 2 now has an experimental layout modification. It took me so long to do that i kept messing up with the flex things. I dont even know how they work it was just very painful trial and error. Also the boxes on the top sides werent the size i inputted for so long and it was so frustrating but then i realized i forgot to specify it was in pixels...

I plan to use those sidebars for a better menu. I will be keeping the navbar because it looks nice but this will be for more detailed indexing of my pages.

Not related but i WILL make a Yura Hatsuki shrine or something like that. List all the albums i can find. Tip: theres a site called doujinstyle.com where you can download entire albums. I will be making good use of that.