
August 6th, 2024

Another gallery update. Im trying to paint more (and care less about it being clean) lately.

August 1st, 2024

Things here are getting worrying but im alright and they thankfully havent even cut off anything so here i am

Made a painting and added it to the gallery.

July 29th, 2024

Well today was certainly a day in which disappointing but not surprising things happened. Anyway im still alive and with both electricity and internet access so you know the drill.

Made some changes to scaling. Getting more into those :root variables and dear lord theyre useful thank god (btw im not even religious the saying just stuck for some reason). Next thing to do will probably be simplifying the middle navigation bar (or maybe moving it to the left? I dont know).

Actually i might just stop trying to make it scaleable after this one. Its kind of taking the fun out of this.

Leaving it here to go download some (more) music i want to listen to before internet goes out. Fuck spotify btw for that price you should buy an sd card and download all your music. I have 1200~ MP3s and all of them together weigh like 5 and a half gigabytes. I dont think they even sell 4gb SD cards anymore so fitting all of that into one is very easy

Actually i should do a whole tutorial on downloading music through youtube. I would include automation for the metadata and stuff but i prefer to do it manually because a good portion of the music i listen to doesnt even have official translations. All of that 1k+ music is sorted manually baby (over the course of ~7 years and usually around 40 max at a time but still)

July 28th, 2024

Oh man its 4AM and i dont want to go to sleep because theres something major happening today and its consequences (which i do not know) might affect me greatly and im nervous.

Anyway with the actual changes my poor sleep deprived brain has squeezed out: Added the navbar, side dividers and main content box to test site #3. The containers look good (even if the border gets thick at high scaling but its set to 3 pixels you probably shouldnt be looking at this website with a device that tiny) but the font size looks really big past a certain point. I need to figure out how to make it so that it shrinks (???) instead of cutting off or scrolling like it is right now. Will probably have to start using those defined values you can set a name to and type instead of repeating "19px" every time theres text and then suffering when you want to change it.

Also fix the weird cover scaling happening with the header image

Im not sure if this is even comprehensible im really tired. Tldr added 3 more components to the test layout, need to fix font sizes.

Usually when i dont update this site its because i dont feel like working on it but after today theres a possibility i might go without internet for an unknown amount of time so. if that happens im probably not dead the political situation here just sucks

Anyway. Im tired. Going to sleep (even if its practically 5am). Goodbye

July 24th, 2024

Looks like i will continue using this page anyway. Its very convenient.

Figured out how to set an image width to fit a countainer but still maintain aspect ratio. Shouldve been simple but my head hurts from breathing in gasoline fumes all morning.

STILL havent found a way to do what i mentioned before. Turns out the anchor property is more for positioning than to inherit values. What do i even do now help

I give up im remaking my whole layout again but with grids. I have no idea what im doing tbh why is my top right box all messed up

July 18th, 2024

I really wish anchor properties were more widely supported because its the perfect solution to the problem im having. Thing is, Firefox doesnt support it and its the browser im using

The problem is making the two boxes next to the header image be the same height as it is. I managed to make the header scaling work with aspect ratios but the boxes are specified in pixels. Aspect-ratio isnt working so far.

Javascript is confusing me so much. The most i can do so far is make components their own files (so i dont have to change all pager every time) but some things dont work with it and im pretty much copy-pasting code i found and changing the name.

Looks like i'll have to change to a grid layout (Code wise its different but hopefully should look the same) eventually and it will be such a pain...

July 16th, 2024

FINALLY fixed the issue i was having with the main container's background image. Changed it to background position: center (was "center top" before) and background size: cover (was "100%")

Fixed the header image aspect ratio problem. Apparently the neocities code editor doesnt recognize "aspect-ratio" as a valid property but it does work.

Sidebars now look slightly less bad when viewed in smaller screens. Part of them is hidden under the main box and its straight up hidden at a certain point but its something at least.

Still cant figure out how to make them look exactly the same when downscaled. Probably also my mess of mixing pixels and percentages when assigning sizes. Aspect ratios are an absolute lifesaver so far.

July 15th, 2024

Guess whos going to be writing here anyway bc its easier

Updated about page, working on making it better for smaller screens & zooming (I know i wasnt planning to but it was bothering me)

Edit a while later: I give up on this how tf do i make my sidebars a retractable menu i just made a mess trying (thankfully didnt have to restore from a backup this time)

Final change before i go to sleep: Changed some sizes to percentages instead of pixels (that i sometimes calculated manually from percentages...) because i finally realized how bad it goes when you change resolutions. Only adjusted the center row, the side bars are for tomorrow because im tired and want to go to sleep

Note to self: Fix scaling issues with the header image when page size is changed. Also resize header image to middle row size (and fix the asymmetrical underline thats bothering me)

July 14th, 2024

Moved most things to the new layout already. This will probably be the last day I write in this page.

All updated (aside from this one) are in the new format. Still have to make a simplified changelog in the sidebars.

July 13th, 2024

I am so tired but i will write this anyway before i finish and go to sleep

  • Made a title element for entries
  • Organized new layout more. I think i will move it to the main page tomorrow
  • Transferred 2 more update entries to the new format
  • Changelog's previous/next bottom bar is now functional
  • Finished site button (i think). Still not linked because i need to do some additional things with the sidebar dividers so you have to hover them to see it

To Do:

  • Last thing I mentioned. Expand thing and show image when hovered over.
  • Figure out why when zooming in it focuses on the left row container. Make it so it focuses on the center one.
  • Make previews for changelog entries
  • Make top right (or top left) box a mini-changelog

Btw i disassembled a laptop today and its insides had to be put aside on a closet because putting it back together will take really long and i still need to replace the thermal paste because that thing might be older than i am and is completely dry. I love computers.

July 12th, 2024

Changed the background for an image (still on the test page). My head hurts.

Ok its night now and i adjusted some things with the background from before. It looks weird when i try and color pick using colorzilla but i will ignore that for now

Today was mostly a drawing day. Im also making something like a mascot for this site (and of course its an anime girl. its all i draw ok). Also added a gallery page to the menu. Still nothing there but i will upload the finished mascot + another one i was also working on today

Since i started working on this site i have felt more energetic somehow. Probably because im doing something other than lay on my bed using my phone all day. Point is: I'm really liking this. Who knew making a website would fix my lack of energy.

July 11th, 2024

Im starting to really like my theme in the test page but im a coward so i kind of dont want to commit to it by moving it to the main page in case i break something or regret it or idk.

(Btw i didnt update yesterday because i spent most of the day organizing my downloaded music)

I feel like i can now make containers and classes by myself more confidently. Most of the things in the test page i did manually (and you can probably tell by the element names). Also i figured out what property i was looking for in the last update. "Line-width" is responsible for the space inbetween lines. I dont even remember what i had wrong but a certain part of the menu was being aligned horizontally instead of vertically but thats fixed now.

2 days and i forgot ok. To be fair in high school i did only study the night before exams (or sometimes in the car ride in the morning. in my defense it was like 30min long) and forget about it immediately after. Definitely not going to work when i go to university but i need to get my life together before i do that anyway so im good for now

Well that was a tangent.

Adjusted some pages for the new layout.

To Do:

  • Find a background image for container-all (the biggest container. Its a solid color as of writing this)
  • Find something to do with the divider space. Im thinking of making a button for this site and putting it there. I tried to make one earlier but im not satisfied with it yet (so far its only the page name. I really need to decorate it more bc my title is too long to make the letters any bigger)
  • I made a little chibi pixelated version of the purple haired girl i drew and linked in the main page and ngl i really like how it turned out. Definitely going to insert it somewhere
  • Find something to fill the top 2 containers. For that I'm thinking of putting a guestbook and/or some drawings

Getting hungry again so i will stop for today. Bye

NEVERMIND its night and my eyes are tired but i cant resist.

I checked my site from my phone and WOW the new layout looks so bad. Im not fixing it though (even if it annoys me). The current main page theme does look good though.

Added some graphics (finally) & Some checkmarks (✔) to things from past entries in this page i already completed. I think i am actually going to sleep soon though my eyes are getting even more tired and dry

8:40PM My batterys gonna die and im tired anyway so goodnight (hopefully for real this time)

July 9th, 2024

Bro i am suffering. I wasnt even going to update this today because my firefox tabs are a mess and i do not have the screen space to manage all of this but lets do it anyway because i need to complain somehow.

How do i make a tag thats exactly like the base p tag (without the added formatting)??? I cant use the actual p tag because i dnt want to get rid of all that formatting manually and i will need to use it a lot.

Also how do i add a line separation/line break (idk if theyre the same thing or if the manually added line break is different from the separation between paragraphs) to text tags that are not p. I am suffering here please help this whole site is a mess

As with these past few days all of my progress has been on the test page so i dont permanently mess up my main page. My problem is in the menu to the left specifically

Reminder: The test bottom previous/next bar is in the june 26th moved entry. Why did the index part not center properly when i gave it the centered class? I had to give it text indent -35px.

Also future me please fix the menu thanks

July 8th, 2024

Not much to say right now. I made some significant progress for a new layout on test page 2 but i dont really feel like writing about it. It surprises me the amount of time im spending on this. I started around 6AM today and its 10:30AM already...

July 7th, 2024

Today it looks like i'm finally getting something like a decent sleep schedule. I started working on this for today around 5 AM, and actually slept during the night

Anyway, today i messed around with the layout a bit and messed it up so badly i had to restore it from a backup i thankfully made before that (i kind of expected it turning out like that...). Then after regretting everything I copied the css theme, header&navbar component, and index to make another test page. I want to change the layout a bit and it will definitely become a mess

I still havent finished editing today, but so far everything ive done is clean up Test Page 2's css style (copied from the main page's) to make my life easier. While i was doing that i also feel like i understood the code a bit more. Now i actually kind of understand what containers and divs are

Unfortunately somehow the test page isnt loading the custom URL colors?? It defaulted to the normal purple and idk how to change it. The code looks alright imo but also i have no idea what im doing. (UPDATE: Fixed it)

Side note: What does "Named entity expected. Got none." mean? I got it on 2 paragraphs in this page, and it doesnt seem to do anything but i still have no idea what it means. Might research it a bit later

So, changelog:

Made test page to test the following changes before moving them to the main page:

  • Cleaned up CSS a bit
  • Changed "header-component" into "navbar-component" (i think it still contains the header image but the main part and reason i go to edit it is because it has the navbar and marquee)
  • Bonus: Turns out the links werent changing color because the css said "#container a" and i renamed that container to "#container-main". I changed to say just "a" (because otherwise i think i will use the !important tag when i need to override it
Copied the cleaner code to the main site. I want to do something else now so i will leave it like this. Test page #2 is the one with the dedicated theme and header-navbar file (still looks normal though. I will mess around with it later)


Test page 2 now has an experimental layout modification. It took me so long to do that i kept messing up with the flex things. I dont even know how they work it was just very painful trial and error. Also the boxes on the top sides werent the size i inputted for so long and it was so frustrating but then i realized i forgot to specify it was in pixels...

I plan to use those sidebars for a better menu. I will be keeping the navbar because it looks nice but this will be for more detailed indexing of my pages.

Not related but i WILL make a Yura Hatsuki shrine or something like that. List all the albums i can find. Tip: theres a site called doujinstyle.com where you can download entire albums. I will be making good use of that.

July 6th, 2024

Well I think i made a lot of progress today. First I made a better Favicon to replace the silly test one I made. It still doesnt look very good but its a lot better. Then I changed the navbar style so i could have a dropdown menu and oh god that was a whole thing.

As always special thanks to W3Schools because i ripped the code off them and then suffered trying to get it centered and changing the colors (+ font size). Its 2am as im writing this so theres a few hours left. Time to make anyone here listen to the "new" (2 month old but i only just found out about it) album Yura Hatsuki put out. Heres a link to download the whole thing and heres a youtube link to listen to it

Alright i'm going to rest now so heres a changelog for today:

  • Changed the nav bar
  • Changed Favicon
  • Did some tests with search pages
  • Figured out how to add a line separator

To Do:

  • Make a search page/bar
  • Make a "portal" or whatever it called so i can make separate entries whenever i ramble about something (and for these changes, separate them by date)
  • If possible figure out how to make a dashboard or something like that to automatically display the most recent entries
  • Make a good menu for said entries. I'm thinking of doing it with hover tabs.

Alright it's 5AM im going to eat something and then sleep for an hour or so. Bye.

July 5th, 2024

Well it turns out i needed to hard clear my cache to see a lot of the changes i was making. I stopped for a few days because i got demotivated because some things i wanted to try editing werent showing up. I didnt even know the favicon worked and was about to try and do some troubeshooting lol.

Anyway, new header image (!!!). Even if im an artist it only extends to anime girls and graphic design is NOT my passion so making one that actually looks good was hard ngl.

But FINALLY Theres one and the sites color scheme is becoming more solid. By the way have you noticed i like gothic aesthetics. I dont want to make it look too edgy because there would be too much of a disconnect between the appearance of the site and the way im writing this and it would feel too weird. That was a problem I had while making the header.

In other news i am now more committed to my fucked up sleep schedule of going to sleep at around 2PM and waking up at night (and then staying awake through the night and half of the day). As you can('t) see I am typing this at 5AM and i started to hear the birds waking up.

PS: I finally found how to add indents (manually. i dont want them in every paragraph). I feel like i understand the code SLIGHTLY more but more like its the first step to learn how to make my own css style/class tags. Idk the difference between those yet though. For the indents i just start with p class="indented" instead of just p to every paragraph i want like that. Simple enough (thank god).

Centered text test

HOLY SHIT THAT WORKED. I looked up the css format for centered text, copied the format for the indented text but instead of the "text indent: 50px;" i made it "text align: center;". Also changed the title (??? idk what its called but im calling it a title. Name? Tag??? idk) from "indented" to "centered" and its as simple as the indent HOLY SHIT I FEEL SO SMART i know this is really basic but let me have my moment celebrating successes is healthyand prevents you from getting demotivated ok. Ok. Anyway i am so proud of myself. Local NEET figures out css-html text formatting.

June 29-30th, 2024

I really need to decide what date to write because i keep doing this around 12 to 3 AM

Not really an update because i'm trying to make a custom header and oh god graphic design is hard GIMP is kicking my ass. How do i rasterize a text layer. How do i lock the opacity. No that didnt lock the opacity did this thing even rasterize well. Please help

And in the process of writing this i somehow nuked the background texture. I dont even know what i did i dont remember touching anything???

I think i fixed it but why is is suddenly not wanting to load my background texture when the stylesheet is not in the root folder??? what is going on. Its almost 4 am so im going to sleep even with this negative process. Didnt even finish the heaer because gimp doesnt work like the programs im used to.

4:50 AM baby i am such a functional person

Anyway I accomplished nothing today lmao. Just problems with the background, failing to change the header and failing to change the favicon (im beginning to suspect its that neocities isnt saving correctly or something. when i checked the javascript file after saving the changes didnt show up)

Anyway good morning good night whatever im going to sleep. Good thing im not going to college yet.

Old text previously in the test page (Same Date)

FINALLY figured out how to make the header its own file and not have it mess up everything.

Turns out the placing of div id flex is really important. Long story short dont put it in the header file, put it in the page file

June 28th, 2024

Technically 29th because its 2am as i'm writing this (i will go to sleep now) but whatever. Late 28th/Early 29th.

  • Added the a testing page so i dont mess up my main one while i try new things
  • Finally made the header its own file so i added testing page link once and it updates everywhere and i dont have to do it manually
  • The code just looks cleaner overall.

To Do:

  • Add a favicon ✔
  • Change the header image (will probably have to make one. graphic design is not my passion...) ✔
  • Make these separate entries. Still dont know how to do that.
  • Figure out how to make add a line or something to separate things. Not just a blank space page break. ✔
  • Figure out how to center text. That to do title was made with padding left 70px please help w3schools is not helping. ✔

June 26th, 2024

  • Moved CSS to its own file so i dont have to copy that much when i want to make a new page
  • Struggled with figuring out the bullet list for the about page. It was too far to the left and i didnt know how to fix it but it turns out i was jut missing the <ul> tag

To Do:

  • Figure out how to type code in a way it shows up in a paragraph (figuring out how to add the < and > was hell) ✔
  • Figure out headers because this page's titles look weird. Is h2 supposed to be bigger than h1? I thought it was the other way way around... ✔
  • ALSO figure out how to make it so that top menu appears in every page unless otherwise specified. I dont want to have to edit it in every page manually every time i change something :( ✔
  • Find out how to add indents (and not have it messing up the sidebar) ✔
  • Speaking of the sidebar that also needs to be like the header. Add in most pages but not have to update ALL OF THEM every time i make a change. There has to be a way to do that right. ✔

Note: The first title is in h2 and the second in h1. I have no idea how headers work please help

Wow blockquotes are neat