- July 2024 Changes -

July 11th, 2024

Im starting to really like my theme in the test page but im a coward so i kind of dont want to commit to it by moving it to the main page in case i break something or regret it or idk.

(Btw i didnt update yesterday because i spent most of the day organizing my downloaded music)

I feel like i can now make containers and classes by myself more confidently. Most of the things in the test page i did manually (and you can probably tell by the element names). Also i figured out what property i was looking for in the last update. "Line-width" is responsible for the space inbetween lines. I dont even remember what i had wrong but a certain part of the menu was being aligned horizontally instead of vertically but thats fixed now.

2 days and i forgot ok. To be fair in high school i did only study the night before exams (or sometimes in the car ride in the morning. in my defense it was like 30min long) and forget about it immediately after. Definitely not going to work when i go to university but i need to get my life together before i do that anyway so im good for now

Well that was a tangent.

Adjusted some pages for the new layout.

To Do:

  • Find a background image for container-all (the biggest container. Its a solid color as of writing this)
  • Find something to do with the divider space. Im thinking of making a button for this site and putting it there. I tried to make one earlier but im not satisfied with it yet (so far its only the page name. I really need to decorate it more bc my title is too long to make the letters any bigger)
  • I made a little chibi pixelated version of the purple haired girl i drew and linked in the main page and ngl i really like how it turned out. Definitely going to insert it somewhere
  • Find something to fill the top 2 containers. For that I'm thinking of putting a guestbook and/or some drawings

Getting hungry again so i will stop for today. Bye

NEVERMIND its night and my eyes are tired but i cant resist.

I checked my site from my phone and WOW the new layout looks so bad. Im not fixing it though (even if it annoys me). The current main page theme does look good though.

Added some graphics (finally) & Some checkmarks (✔) to things from past entries in this page i already completed. I think i am actually going to sleep soon though my eyes are getting even more tired and dry

8:40PM My batterys gonna die and im tired anyway so goodnight (hopefully for real this time)